Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Adura Ojo: Physics


Agony changes streets

No word

Not sorry or loose words or closed doors

Papa fat over mars

Mama feeds pink heirlooms / spring

Shoulders rub minds in separate cubicles

& that’s ok / maybe

It’s physics           missing heel on pavement / & hello

/ Shoes rubber these streets

Pound / hear the ground groan between heats

They catch these streets

& stay



How’s a war started / unless

We started this catastrophe / so we’ll finish

Water gun primed to go / twenty seconds protect & live

Water gun melody a                pillow-tree

Birds in plume settle scores outdoors / universe streaming beak & butt

Mothers don apron of hope coming home

Universe melody a                pillow-tree


Poetry (c) Adura Ojo
Photo by Random Sky on Unsplash (modified)

Adura Ojo
Adura Ojo
Adura Ojo is a British-Nigerian Poet & Storyteller living in London, UK. Her work has appeared in Acumen, Paris Lit Up, The Rialto, The Stockholm Review of Literature & a host of other publications. She is author of a full length poetry collection: Life is a Woman Breaking Eggs. Her chapbook, MANIA,is due to be published soon by WRR publishers. She is doing her best to live-write while looking out for chocolate, and is currently 'working' two essays & a memoir.

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