Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Jeffrey Ogochukwu | Sad Memories…

Sad Memories of Things That Nev’r Happened

Remember when green was a glyph
of places we made bad jokes about how us dying
in our sleep would be a perfect farewell to the world?
Blissful ignorance in our old days
we revelled in happiness without realising it.

A sombre hue blankets our sight,
imprinting scars of relinquished dreams, a jag,
of them whose breath was stolen in their sleep
taken by Covid’s cruel hand.
Everything we see is a mirage, not the truth.

In the backdrop of a reshaped land, we choked
on the metallic taste of despair,
quivery breaths and tears for breakfast, a heavy air –
we were bleeding hope in our green age
so intense we’ve become immune to happiness.

The weight of regret’s sombre bite, that fateful night
Think of the scars as a map of places
where our smiles were slain, a fleeting glimpse
of purest delight in the midst of this transient space,
a memory forever etched in the tapestry of a night.

I’d like to opt out of life, if I could,
for somewhere, a long time ago, I messed up.
Now I’m living the wrong life
reality blurs, and nightmares amplify;
like a bad version of the life I’m supposed to have.


Poem (c) Jeffrey Ogochukwu
Image: alexandra_Koch pixabay remixed

Jeffrey Ogochukwu
Jeffrey Ogochukwu
Jeffrey Ogochukwu is a Nigerian poet and writer. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Fabula Argentea, The Kalahari Review, 2022 Kepressing Anthology Prize, Space and Time, Thirteen Podcast, Ink in Thirds, Spillwords, and The Red Mud Review.

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