Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Fatima Elbadri | Two Poems

al madina

frozen glass coca cola bottle competing with body in perspiration during Omdurman heatwave/ that damned television static in the background like monsoon rain pouring down courtyard walls/ the raw knuckled man who washes clothes gets fired & must find a new way to suffer for the platter of فول & bread/ but elsewhere a fat sheep bleats in protest of the knife at its jugular/ the breaking & sucking of sugarcane stalk/ the clay of Omdurman’s Nile as copper as the fisherman’s skin in the sun/ elsewhere the souq! with chili, كركديه, cumin, قنقوليز, dates!/ elsewhere a man begs for spare change with prayer/ the Friday dervishes spin to praise God in green/ a dictator laughs/ elsewhere a cassette plays محمد الأمين to soothe the Omdurman heart, which is like the mango squashed between the fingers (or the bandaged wound).


hamad el-nil

by the shaykhs tomb/ a blur of
green &
red covered black
skin holds up
Friday sky as prayer cuts
through the shout & spin
of body.


Poetry © Fatima Elbadri
Image: Dall-E remixed

Fatima Elbadri
Fatima Elbadri
Fatima Elbadri is a Sudanese-American writer whose work includes themes of culture and communal experience. Her writing can be found or is forthcoming in The Passionfruit Review, Kalahari Review, Rowayat, The Marbled Sigh, and elsewhere.

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