Saturday, February 8, 2025


Birds of Paradise: Poems by Folasayo Dele-Ogunrinde

3:00 A.M. (1)

i lay down
like a gift unwrapped

you turned sideways & snored.


3:00 A.M. (II)

i left the door open…
you never came.



does it matter
that i send you valentine cards
on Christmas day
mistletoe in February?

does it matter
that the sun comes out
while i make hay in the rain,
and the rainbow comes beaming
in my cloudy horizon?

does it matter
that loneliness has become my mentor,
and you, my husband
left me, married in this house
where shame has become my pride

does it matter
that i’m still in love with you?




i lay crouched, wrapped
under the wings of the wind
fearing the breath that was mine
shadows elongating my features

alone, in the dark, my candle blown
you whispered…i followed

it seemed an endless journey
you held my hands…i followed

the birds of the night caught my wings
you fought, i followed

exhausted, you carried me on your
muscle-covered dark blades. strong.
i woke up in this place of
victory and conquered dreams

i smiled…you followed.




can i have that one please…
the tall, slim, handsome…
no, not the skinny one!
not the bald one either.
he’s in the third aisle
the well-dressed one in the suit & tie
yeah! that one!
can you wrap him up nicely?
here, keep the change
have a nice day.




i left my top button undone…
can you hear what my body is telling yours?



one day i was walking down the street of my
lover’s mind
one rainy summer night.
i found garbage cans full of lies
broken promises littering the pavement of love
wilted roses left to die
a garden blooming with lustful desires.

i tripped on other hearts
battered, but willing to go on.
i walked away with my heart
into the endless night
drenched with painful memories
of night the rain fell
on the street of my lover’s mind.


Poems (c) Folasayo Dele-Ogunrinde

Folasayo Dele-Ogunrinde
Folasayo Dele-Ogunrinde
Folasayo Dele-Ogunrinde succumbed to stomach cancer in 2013. Her life revolved around her creative endeavors: writing, performing spoken word to afro-beat folk music, telling stories visually either as a mixed media artist or as a filmmaker. She trained formally as a Scientist, earning a graduate degree, but found the flirtatious tango with her muse more appealing. This calling led to her quitting her job with a major pharmaceutical company to follow her passion. An award-winning published author ('The Woman With a Past' and 'Conversations With The Soul at 3:00AM'), her other interests were reading, interior design, traveling, creative cooking, medicine and the pursuit of a healthy holistic lifestyle. She also enjoyed savoring the beauty of other cultures through their cuisine, music and art. She was a long-time friend of


  1. I think I like the poet’s use of words as she externalises her innermost thoughts with weel-crafted imageries. I however think poems like the Marketplace and Body Talk should be worked on…it seems to blur the style of her poetry as a whole…

    Senator Ihenyen

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