Sunday, February 16, 2025


Adeyeye James Oluwatobi: Omen


In my mind some boys are searching for home.

Each washed his face with the last thing they remember –

You remember running into your father’s memories. Where thin cows ate fat ones. & the way your
mother died each time she found out she was worn only on your father’s body of ruin

the cemetery is beautiful?

There. are tales of boy that searched for the moon at the back of the cloud. girls that looked for sun in the depth of the sea.

Have you ever begged the sky for rain?

the weather changes into deep black, your feet walk into the whisper of thunderstorms, your heart
peeps out of your skin to see if the sky would open for a pour

&. &. &

You become a flower showered with a rain of dust;
a beautiful voice hidden in a dark tunnel of sorrow

I will Stay. I will stay

To see the snake of this night        shed its skin.

The origin of beauty may not be beautiful. But i will hold on still!

& watch!


Arrival of Rain

We will fold our hands tomorrow/ kneel in the wind /open our souls to the sun

We’ll Call God beautiful names – [Awimayehun, Asoromatase]

But the moon won’t shift from its place, Nights will still come

& meet us sitting alone in our shadows

I wonder if we could hide our pain

In a corner of our darkness, & cover them with the words we echo into the wind

I know someday,       birds will find a place in our heart free of       storms

Perch. & pour out songs of libations

On our injured souls.
Poetry © Adeyeye James oluwatobi
Image by Boris Štromar from Pixabay (Modified)

Adeyeye James Oluwatobi
Adeyeye James Oluwatobi
Adeyeye James Oluwatobi is an Electrical/Electronics Engineer and a poet. He explores the intersection between human conditions and faith in his works. He was listed among the top 100 poets for the 2019 Nigerian Students Poetry Prize. His works have featured in many anthologies and journals.

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