Saturday, September 14, 2024

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Labyrinth of Disgust: A Poem by Efeduma Eseoghene

1…Labyrinth of Disgust…

Fear will grip the land,
the revulsion of truth will spring forth jitters.
Tension will mutinously,
balance in magnanimous gestures.

This reverberating impact,
will be felt and bereft of fear
Our communal psyche,
still belies belief of a debilitating status quo.

Truth will one day be revealed…

Even futile attempt
Concerted but revealing,
Our path unknown yet known.

Remember these words…

No pleas
No tears
Will distract the mirrored image of our hearts
Though broken,
In melancholy,
We shall one day suck again,
from her nipples of restoration.


2…Labyrinth of Disgust…


Virtues and expectation thrust in battered banality,
As perils haunt the inadequacies of marabouts and prophets.

Though we snare to soothe our whims,
the miserable feeling persist,
the opium of blithe cushioned by quiet directives exist.

Their vulpine attitude courageously feigned
With a salubrious and venal countenance,
Still rattle as impact on our fragile penance.

O genius on evil
benevolent benefactors,
midget in mind and thoughts,
your evanescent triumph,
Lecod and moribund it seems,
Will one day destroy you?


3…Labyrinth of Disgust…

No barefaced rogue pontificates
Antiquated canons with proud relish,
in spittle of terror and treachery, like them.

In strained anticipation,
We revolt to reason.
Though bought and peddled as support
will become a cankerworm of disgust.

The throne of dilemma,
the resurgence of ethnic pressures and sanctions
will awaken the gods.

We cannot eat the signpost of hostility,
the dissidence of chaos and rebellion
or the recompilation of anxiety
We will seek peace.


4…Labyrinth of Disgust…

what agony in denial

the tears of despair

what tremor of rejection

the floodgate of cynical articulation

O! Rubicon of hope
for dawn far from tomorrow will come

O! impunity
for what conscience doth tremble,
in the face of guilt.

O! parody of dirge
an elegy will we chant
for our nation deserves an epitaph.

Nothing doth sound appalling
and still bites our conscience,
but allays only tearful passion
to seek unsought blemish.
yet we live in fits and fist.


5…Labyrinth of Disgust…

We had great passion
With a wild like fashion
Smothering increase in fame
While faltering decrease in shame

The fulcrum of distrust
A hoodlum in distrust
Sweeps our ethnic landscape
Looking for an easy escape

The king of subterfuge and intrigues
finds the pangs of rogues
too hard to bear.

Demonic torture
Despotic future
A third term?

We share such passion for retrogression,
the very abyss of our miscegenation.
A vendetta of uncontrolled consequence
will be fuelled by greed and political turbulence
of power acquisition and power shift.

The south must rule!
but reason for rule,
The north must heed!
but reason to heed…

The creeks in the delta
daily erupts to falter.
Bandits, pyrates declare their rights to the black gold
With songs of dirge they sing as bold,
Screaming with poisoned fangs

The forty years and…
Of folly and self deceit
rigged by incumbent imbeciles
perpetuating ethnic discord and tears.

We share what tacit decision,
dealt derisively by these cabal.
The degenerates generate greed
giving greek gift of deregulation…
Yes we share…?


(c) Efeduma Eseoghene

Efeduma Eseoghene
Efeduma Eseoghene
I am the Purchasing & Supply Chain Manager-West Africa for Pacific International Drilling West Africa Limited. I reside in Lagos and I am 43 Years Old. I am Graduate of English Language and have a Masters in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management from The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. I am Married with three Beautiful Kids.


  1. This is a Waoo! job and a beautiful piece, most especially the 3rd part of the poem, am so loving it.
    But I observed your profile information is not reflecting your current employer and position…..hope to read more from you.

  2. Great thoughts penned down. We move from thoughts to words and soon enough to action…then shall this nation be redeemed.

  3. Great work Efe. This must have been product of deep and creative thinking. Is this your first? Will like to read more from you. Good work!

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