Saturday, February 8, 2025


Ayiyi Joel: Anti-grieving


After another poet

In this poem, no love dies
& A boy is not writing
An elegy to remember the smiles
Of his mother/flower.
Today, no child sits at the graveside
Mourning an old friend
& A mother is not silent
While her chest is a burning city.
This poem does not tell you to grieve
Or remind you of the weight of grief.
Here, a pain is a feather
& Your laughter takes the weight of iron.
So to say: I offer my fears & pain
To the zephyr/my eyes closed/
I flutter them open/& I find my glom gone.
Like this I find my body brimming with grace.
Like this, I am the night sky
My pain is the sun.

Poem © Ayiyi Joel
Image: Marek Piwnicki Unsplash (remixed)

Ayiyi Joel
Ayiyi Joel
Ayiyi Joel is a budding poet from Edo state, Nigeria. He has works published/forthcoming on The Beatnik cowboy, Synchronized Chaos, Carthatic lit mag, poemify and elsewhere. He is Ayiyi Joel on Facebook and Instagram.


  1. “I am the night sky
    My pain is the sun”.
    The whole poem is lovely with apt words, but I love these lines best. It’s great.

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